China-Russia Workshop

 November 07, 2020
 Online Meeting

Report Information

Prof. Dahai Zhu

Prof. Dahai Zhu | Peking Union Medical College

Title: MyoD is a 3D genome organizer for muscle 1 cell identity
Reporter: Dahai Zhu
Time(Beijing): 14:50-15:10
Time(Moscow): 8:50-9:10
Zoom address: MyoD is a 3D genome organizer for muscle 1 cell identity

Abstract: The genome exists as an organized, three-dimensional (3D) dynamic architecture and each cell type has a unique 3D genome organization that determines cell identity. An unresolved question is how cell-type specific 3D genome structures are established during development. Herein, we analyzed 3D genome structures in muscle cells from mice that lack the muscle lineage pioneer transcription factor MyoD and WT mice. We discovered that MyoD function as a “genome organizer” that specifies 3D genome architecture unique to muscle cell development. Importantly, we genetically demonstrate that H3K27ac is insufficient for establishing MyoD-induced chromatin loops in muscle cells. The establishment of an “architectural role” for MyoD should have profound impacts on advancing understanding of other pioneer transcription factors in orchestrating lineage specific 3D genome organization during development.